Does your child’s favourite colour mean anything?

According to the Novak Jokovic Foundation, colour choice in kids can be very insightful. So next time your child sits down to draw, notice which colour pen/pencil they grab first and see if these ring true:

  • Blue is popular with children who are caring and social. (I often find blue is a favourite colour among the students in my art classes for kids).

  • Black or purple can be favoured by children who are dominant or demanding

  • Red is one of the most popular colour choices in kids and can indicate excitement.

  • Pink may indicate a longing for love and appreciation. It is favoured by girls.

  • Yellow can indicate a sunny nature

  • Green is a favourite choice of those that like to be different and are artistic.

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It is interesting to note that “some researchers have reported that girls tend to use more colours per drawing than boys do, with a preference for warmer colours (i.e. pink). Boys demonstrate a preference towards cooler colours (i.e. blue)” (source)

So how does this relate to art classes for kids? Well, in-person or online art classes can help kids expand their use of colour and find greater joy in using different colours. Of course in drawing and painting classes for kids, we never want to deter a child from their natural artist preferences. We want to encourage self expression and artistic choices! But in the setting of an art class, we can encourage students to expand their use of colour and be open minded to new colour choices, meanings behind colours, and colour mixing.  While colour selection may come naturally to kids, knowing how to mix the colour they want may not come naturally. That’s where the guidance of an experienced art teacher with colour theory knowledge can be so beneficial.

If you’re interested in nurturing your child’s use of colour, or their artistic ability in general, try my online art courses for kids. I also have free online art classes for kids so you can get a feel for how I teach before committing to a full course.


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How to encourage your child to draw more: