Free art classes during lockdown

This post goes out to all the creatives stuck in lockdown. As creatives, we thrive on getting outdoors, observing our surrounds and finding inspiration in nature. But that’s a little hard to do when you’re stuck at home and confined to 4 bland walls.

But never fear creatives! I’m gifting you FREE online art classes!

While the world goes mad around us and stress levels are through the roof, I want to make sure your creativity continues on unharmed. So whether you’re stuck in lockdown or just simply want some free art activities to do at home, the Artory online art class for kids and online art class for adults is my solution. If you’re looking for art or craft ideas to do during lockdown, these are for you!

I could not think of a better time to create art than when you are stuck at home in isolation! In this time of heightened anxiety, it’s more important than ever to keep our arts practice routine! Why? Well recently, studies on art as therapy were collated and the evidence is overwhelming - art reduces symptoms of anxiety. (source)

In 2010 scientists tested a group of health care workers (age 20-69) with generalised stress and anxiety. They received art therapy sessions for 2 hours over 9 weeks (interestingly the same schedule as the Artory terms). The study found that after each session, participants’ cortisol levels (the stress indicator) were significantly reduced. After the full 9 weeks “the final stress level and situational anxiety for the group were significantly lower than the control group”. The art sessions also “increased the participants skills to cope with stressful situations” and “improved communication and collaboration, self-esteem and self-confidence which in turn decreases stress and anxiety.” (Source)

So keeping up your art practice is now more important than ever! With this in mind, I have released my online watercolour masterclass for free, to encourage you to stick to your routine of art making and “me-time”.

The videos record each exercise broken down into steps, just like I do in my usual Australian art classes. You will be able to pause the video while you work on your own artwork and resume the video when you are ready for the next step (which is a bonus for those of you who like to go a little slower than we usually do in our Kingscliff art class).

Even if you have never tried one of my classes before, these free online art classes will be perfect for you. And if you enjoy the classes please do let me know. I am very easily persuaded into making more free classes when I hear how much you enjoy them.





Kids online art classes: are they beneficial?