Is watercolour good for beginners?

I say YES! Here’s 4 reasons why I’ve founded watercolour to be a wonderful medium for my beginner students at my art classes in Casuarina NSW and in my online paining classes.

  1. Ease of experimentation

watercolour allows for spontaneity and experimentation. It’s transparent nature and fluidity make it easy to correct mistakes and blend colours seamlessly. For beginners, this forgiving quality provides a sense of freedom and encourages creative exploration without the fear of making irreparable errors.

2. Affordable price

Moreover, watercolour paints are accessible and affordable, making them ideal for beginners on a budget. With just a few basic colours and a set of brushes, aspiring artists can dive headfirst into the world of watercolour painting without breaking the bank.

3. Easy clean up

Unlike oil paints that require solvents for cleaning or acrylic paints that dry quickly, watercolour paints are water-soluble and easy to clean up, making them a hassle-free option for beginners.

4. Therapeutic qualities

Beyond its practicality, watercolour painting offers a therapeutic and meditative experience for beginners. The process of blending colours, manipulating water, and watching pigments dance across the paper can be incredibly calming and immersive. For beginners seeking a creative outlet to unwind and destress, watercolour painting provides a sanctuary of tranquility and self-expression.

Watercolour painting nurtures patience and discipline in beginners as they learn to embrace the unpredictability of the medium. From mastering techniques like wet-on-wet and dry brushing to understanding the importance of layering and negative space, watercolour painting teaches valuable lessons in observation, patience, and perseverance. Each brushstroke becomes a lesson in mindfulness, encouraging beginners to slow down, observe the world around them, and capture its beauty on paper.


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