What your child’s drawings reveal about their personality:

Its common knowledge that art is one of the purest forms of self-expression. What we put on paper or canvas often stems from our deepest desires, fears and beliefs. So when it comes to your child’s drawings, it's no surprise that what they put on paper can reflect their personality. 

Have a look through this list and see if any of these ring true for your child:

(keep in mind these should relate to your child’s “free drawings”, that is, drawings they do without prompts and in their own time. They differ to a drawing your child does at art classes for kids where the teacher may direct your child’s drawings)

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art lessons online. Drawing classes for kids and painting classes for kids.

Photo by Jairo Gonzalez

drawing classes for kids. painting classes for kids.

Personality traits revealed in children’s drawings:

  • Detail - detailed, careful drawings often signal a perfectionist

  • Line type - Hesitation and insecurity may be indicated by wavering or broken lines. Whereas bold, continual free-flowing lines show self-confidence and security. In contrast, bold strokes close tougher may indicate stress, determination or anger. Soft, fluid lines may indicate a gentle nature.

  • Material selection - children with determined personalities often select pencils/pens with wide, fat points. Children who have difficulty expressing or asserting their emotions often prefer pencils/pens with a fine point. We have definitely found this to be the case in our art classes for kids. Some children cannot stand to draw with a thick-leaded 6B pencil (as opposed to the thin and pointy 2B pencil, while others prefer the thicker 6B pencil)

  • Paper size selection - the size paper that a child selects can also indicate the space a child wants to occupy in life. The larger the sheet of paper, the more a child may want to show themselves off. On the flip side, a child who chooses smaller sized paper may have good concentration and focus.

    (based on an article by the Novak Jokovic Foundation)

Let me know in the comments below if you find these to be true when it comes to your child.

How does this help you in selecting the best art classes for kids? Well, drawing along side a teacher (such as in the Artory online art courses and art lessons online) can help them to break out of their mould, push them outside of their comfort zones and enrich their personalities. You’ll want a teacher who can encourage your child’s expression and personality through their art, without making them feel overwhelmed or insecure. Not every art teacher can do this! The teacher needs to be sympathetic, empathetic and able to explain difficult concepts or techniques in a way that each unique individual can understand. So how do you know which art teacher has these qualities? Look at their reviews! You can read all of my reviews here.


painting classes for kids
painting workshop for kids

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