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Artory Alumni: Liv Bonnor
Since the Artory opened its doors in 2016, many students have drawn, painted and created with Anne in the Kingscliff and online art classes. Many have gone on to have creative careers. So where are they now? Well, we’ve interviewed former Artory student, Liv Bonnor, now a professional tattoo artist and fine artist! Here’s her story:
Free art classes during lockdown
This post goes out to all the creatives stuck in lockdown. As creatives, we thrive on getting outdoors, observing our surrounds and finding inspiration in nature. But that’s a little hard to do when you’re stuck at home and confined to 4 bland walls. But never fear creatives! I’m gifting you FREE online art classes!
Kids online art classes: are they beneficial?
As Pablo Picasso said, “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up.” So how do we capture and build on that creativity? One of the best ways is to enrol your child in online art classes for kids. Here’s 3 reasons why every child should attend art class.
5 surprisingly simple steps to cure creative block
How do you cure creative block? Here’s the 5 techniques I used to successfully cure my creative block (and I’ve never once had creative block again despite painting and creating online art courses every week)
FUN painting and drawing activities for kids school holidays
Whether it’s due to lockdowns or the weather sometimes we have to spend the school holidays at home. So we’ve put together these FUN art activities for kids of all ages that will create hours of fun and silence the cries of “I’m bored”!
4 arts and crafts ideas for kids in lockdown
We’ve come up with a list of easy and fun art activities for kids stuck in lockdown. Because while lockdowns are difficult for parents, they are very difficult for kids too (check out our article on just how helpful online art classes for kids are in supporting the mental health of children and teens during lockdown).
5 reasons why watercolour is the best paint medium
So you’re looking for a new creative hobby and you’ve decided a painting class is for you. But you’re not sure what medium to choose. It can be confusing! But there’s 5 good reasons why watercolour should be right up there in your list of art mediums to try.
What watercolour paper should I use?
If you’ve ever grabbed a sheet of paper out of your printer tray and sat down to do a watercolour painting tutorial, I can guarantee that painting ended up in the bin. Why? Well, when it comes to watercolour, the paper you use makes a HUGE difference. So let me explain which brush you should use for watercolour and why:
What watercolour brushes should I buy?
I’d say 9 times out of 10, most beginner water-colourists fail because they’re using the wrong paper or the wrong brush. So how to you know which brush to buy? Let me explain my top tips for buying watercolour brushes and more importantly, what brush not to buy (even if an art store owner tells you to)!
What palette should I use for watercolour painting?
When it comes to watercolour painting, the palette can make a HUGE difference. Over the years I’ve refined the kind of palette I use and now I’m sharing my tips with you and all the students from my online art courses.
Basic supplies to start your art journey: drawing and watercolour
In this series of two articles, we’ll cover the basic supplies you’ll need for each kind of (basic) artistic endeavour. This week we’ll cover beginner’s drawing supplies and watercolour supplies.